
Bruce and friends on a Grand Canyon summit
The author has a serious problem- he doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up. Meanwhile, he's done such things as wildland fire fighting, running a mountain shop, flying airplanes, shooting photos, and writing books. He's a backcountry skier, climber, figure skater, mountain biker, amateur radio operator, river runner, and sea kayaker- but the thing that really floats his boat is hiking and backpacking. No matter what else he tries, the author always come back to hiking- especially long, rough, cross-country trips in places like the Grand Canyon. Some people never learn. But what little he has learned, he's willing share with you- via his books, of course, but also via his websites, blogs, and whatever works.
Also by the Author
Exploring With GPS: A Practical Field Guide for Satellite Navigation
Basic Illustrated Using GPS
Backpacker magazine's Using a GPS: Digital Trip Planning, Recording, And Sharing
Web Sites